

The statutes were accepted at NBS annual meeting in Kilpisjärvi August 5 th 1992.

§1 The name of the society is Nordisk Bryologisk Förening, NBF (Nordic Bryological Society, NBS). The language of the society is English.

§2 The objectives of the society are:

  1. To encourage all branches of bryological research.
  2. To facilitate co-operation and communication between Nordic bryologists, amateurs as well as professionals.
  3. To encourage bryological knowledge by arranging meetings, courses and field excursions in bryology.
  4. To provide expertise to assist in the protection of sites of bryological interest.
  5. To encourage publication of bryological papers.

§3 Membership in NBF is open to anyone interested in the objectives and activities of the society. Membership is attained by application to the Secretary of the Society and retained as long as the fees are paid. Honorary membership can be approved by a simple majority of votes cast at an annual meeting after an unanimous recommendation from the Council of the Society. Any member acting contrary to the objectives of the Society may be expelled.

§4 Notice of the annual meting shall be sent to the members at the latest one month in advance. Proposals for candidates for the President and the Council of the Society should be sent to the Secretary at the latest two months before the annual meeting.

§5 The annual meeting is arranged, preferably in connection with an excursion, in rotation between the Nordic countries. At the annual meeting the following matters must be on the agenda:

  1. Election of a chairman, a secretary and a minute checker for the meeting.
  2. The annual report from the Council.
  3. Budget for the coming year.
  4. Treasurer’s report.
  5. Setting the membership fee.
  6. Election of President and members of the Council.
  7. Appointments of two auditors.
  8. Determination of place, time and organiser for the next excursion.
  9. Appointment of three members for the Council of Lindbergia.
  10. Report from the Council of Lindbergia.

§6 The Council of the Society shall consist of at least seven persons: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three council members. Insofar as possible, all Nordic countries should be represented in the Council. Only Nordic members can be elected to the Council. The Council may whenever necessary appoint committees to take care of various activities within the sphere of interest of the Society. The financial year of the Society is 1 January to 31 December.

§7 The president shall serve for two years, and shall be eligible for re-election. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes in a single ballot shall be elected.

§8 Members of the Council shall serve for two years and shall be eligible for re-election. Three Council members shall be elected at each annual meeting. The three candidates receiving the largest number of votes in a single ballot shall be elected. The annual meeting may decide, by simple majority, to add up to two additional Council members until the next annual meeting.

§9 Two auditors shall be appointed at the annual meeting in alternate years.

§10 The Council shall appoint the Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer from among its own members. A majority of Council shall constitute a quorum. In the case of tie vote at a Council meeting or a general meeting the President shall have a casting vote.

§11 The Society publishes the journal Lindbergia, independently or in collaboration with other societies. Lindbergia shall have its own statutes approved by an annual meeting of NBS.

§12 Changes to the statutes of the Society require a two-third majority of the votes cast at two successive annual meetings. Proposals for new or revised statutes must be announced when notice of the annual meeting is given.

§13 Any proposals for the dissolution of the Society requires simple majority in the Council in two meetings at least one year apart. The proposal must then be submitted to all members of the Society and requires a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. In the case of dissolution of the Society its assets must be used to further the objectives of the Society in a manner to determined by the Council, but in such way that arrangements concerning the funding of Lindbergia are maintained.