

Dear visitors. Our next excursion will be held together with the «Moseklubben» and will take place in Telemark, Norway October 12th-15th 2023. Please visit this page for more information on the excusion.

Our society is a meeting place for all those who are fascinated by the discreet charm of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts). In the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) you can find about 1200 bryophyte species, which is more than five percent of the total number of known species worldwide. Bryophytes are abundant, and often dominant, in a wide array of nature types like mires, boreal forests, calcareous grasslands, mountain slopes, arctic heaths and stream beds. To enjoy the world of bryophytes you may need to bend your knees and curve your back, and, perhaps look through a magnifying glass. But if you make this effort you will find an astonishing diversity of life forms with great beauty.

The primary objective of the NBS is to stimulate contacts among Nordic bryologists, both professionals and amateurs. Membership is open also for bryologists residing outside the Nordic region.

  • NBS arranges annual excursions, primarily within the Nordic region. These excursions make it possible for our members to meet and to explore regional bryophyte floras. Note that you do not need to be an expert to join our excursions – if you are a novice you will get help from more experienced participants.
  • NBS encourages all branches of bryological research. The society has also organized scientific workshops and conferences in order to promote research.
  • The society is together with the Dutch bryological and lichenological society responsible for the issuing of a scientific journal, Lindbergia. The journal is named after a famous Swedish-Finnish 19th century bryologist, Sextus Otto Lindberg (1835-1889). Lindbergia publishes original research from any field of bryology. Members get discounted subscription fees.
  • The NBS has published Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses by Elsa Nyholm and Illustrated flora of Nordic Liverworts and Hornworts by Kell Damsholt. These floras contain keys for determination and accurate descriptions of bryophytes occurring in the Nordic region (including Svalbard).
  • The NBS is also responsible for mapping the geographic distribution of Nordic and Baltic bryophytes. The maps are presented in three volumes Preliminary distribution maps of bryophytes in Northwestern Europe (I-III). These booklets are distributed by the Swedish organization Mossornas Vänner.

Bryophytes are neglected as compared to vascular plants. However, many aspects of the bryophyte life style make them interesting objects for amateur plant studies as well as scientific investigations.

We invite you to challenge the world of bryophytes as a member of the Nordic Bryological Society.